How to Find Love After 40? A Complete Guide


Finding love after 40, although might sound quite a difficult task, is, in fact, easier than finding love before 30. Not just that you have more experience, but you already have clearly defined expectations and you know exactly what you want from your partner. You also know what you don’t want from the opposite sex, so it becomes easier to sift between the people you meet until you find the right person for you.

Remember, you’re just at the right age to find true love. According to relationship expert Dr. Juliana Morris (note: link here –, romantic and love connections for people over 40 years of age can be extremely profound. The secret is to be happy and content with who you are and to expect good things to happen to you.

At this point in life, you need to embrace your baggage of knowledge, while at the same time being mindful of not scaring people away.   

Here are some things to keep in mind when you want to find love after 40:

#1 Do not Scare off your Prospects

While you are tired or have long emotional discussions and you want to get straight to the point. You can’t just go on a rampage and eliminate anyone who doesn’t rise up to your standards. Instead, try to keep things casual and talk to more people at once. Discover their interests, passions, hobbies, and also drawbacks, without going hard on themselves and bombarding them with questions.  

#2 Know what you Want

while it is crucial to not scare off your potential lover, it is imperative to know for sure what you want. At 40, you’ve probably burned yourself a lot and you know the exact things you want from a man/woman. You probably have more sophisticated tastes that you want the other to accept and even to meet. Discuss with potential partners and try to find out if they qualify for meeting your tastes.

#3 Don’t Limit yourself to Dating Apps

at this point, you want to use every tool and channel at your disposal to find true love. Don’t limit yourself only to dating services. Go to the library, spend some time at the mall, try finding old friends on Facebook, or even start following profiles on Instagram. There are still many people over 40 who don’t use dating apps but prefer a more hands-on approach.  

#4 Be Super Confident in yourself

You might have made mistakes in the past, but that doesn’t mean you are a failure. Never say or think that about yourself. You are made to love and be loved. Be super confident in your skills, your sex appeal, your accomplishments, and in everything you are. People love confident men and women. As a matter of fact, if you are confident, you can gain access to a better job, a better wife for you, and even to more money. Confidence is crucial to have success at dating over 40.  

#5 Be Open to Different Lifestyles

At this point, you might know what you want, and you’ve probably created a profile of the perfect candidate to be your life partner. However, to maximize your chances of success, you need to be open to various setups and family lifestyles

Let’s say that you have a 10year old daughter, and you don’t want to date anyone with kids older than your daughter. However, you meet a gorgeous woman with 2 sons, all of them over 10 years of age. Don’t give up this awesome woman just for that. Just be open to different lifestyles and family backgrounds.

#6 Treat Dating Like a Marathon

ultimately, do not make the mistake of trying to find love ASAP. Acting from a place of sheer desperation won’t get you what you want. Instead, try to fill your life with beautiful moments and enjoy it every single day. Try to enjoy the dating process, even if it might take some time until you find the right person for you

Dating after 40 is definitely fun and it gives you the chance to better understand yourself and also discover new amazing people that you can create a long-lasting relationship.